Die israelische Zivilverwaltung hat angekündigt, neun Gebäude und Anlagen auf dem Gelände des Friedensprojekts „Tent of Nations“ abzureißen. Das „Tent of Nations“ befindet sich auf der Farm der Familie Nassar, die 42 Hektar fruchtbaren Landes westlich von Bethlehem umfasst. In dem Projekt treffen sich Einheimische und Gäste aus aller Welt zu Bildungsseminaren und friedensfördernden Aktivitäten.
Daoud Nassar, Direktor des „Tent of Nations“, schreibt:
„Dear Friends of Tent of Nations all over the world,
Today at 2.00 pm in the afternoon, 2 officers form the Israeli Civil Administration guarded by Israeli soldiers came to our farm and gave us NINE demolishing orders for nine ( structures) we built in the last years without a building permit from the Israeli Military Authority. The demolishing orders are for: tents, animals shelters, metal roof in front of both old houses, the restrooms (Shelters) , a water cistern, a metal container and 2 underground renovated cave structures. One officer was writing the demolishing orders and the other was taking pictures with two cameras, Israeli soldiers were following them everywhere and pointing their guns on us.
The demolishing orders were written in Hebrew and I refused to sign receiving them. We have 3 days only to react against those demolishing orders. The timing for delivering the demolishing orders was plant properly and purposely on Thursday, in order to make it difficult for us to try to stop those orders by the Israeli court within 3 days, because of the Jewish weekend (Friday and Saturday). The idea is to make it impossible for us to act quickly. I contacted our Lawyer and he will write an opposition and send it to the military court on Sunday morning. We hope to get a paper from the court through our Lawyer on Sunday morning to stop the demolishing orders.
We would like to ask you to be prepared and alert for actions, if anything might happen. We will keep you updated and will guide you for actions but please forward this E-mail to your friends. PLEASE be prepared for actions… Thank you for all your solidarity and support.
They are trying to destroy our spirit, but we are determined to resist and overcome the Evil with GOOD and justice will prevail.
Blessings and Salaam,
Tent of Nations
-People Building Bridges-
P.O.Box 28
Bethlehem – Palestine
Tel: +972 (0)2-274 3071
Fax: +972(0)2-276 7446
Mobile: +972(0)522 975 985
info @tentofnations.org